Over the next few weeks, the SBEP senior class will be selling new tiles that will be placed on the wall next to the high school's grand staircase. These tiles are available for current students, alumni, and parents. Each tile will cost $15.
If you are interested in purchasing a tile, please take a look at the design options via the form below:
When you've decided on a style and desired text, please print and fill out the following form:
Once you've completed your submission, mail the form and your payment to the St. Bernard-Elmwood Place Jr./Sr. High School at 4615 Tower Ave., Cincinnati OH 45217. Address the envelope to the Senior Class Advisor.
Please note that only cash or check payments will be accepted. Checks should be made out to St. Bernard-Elmwood Place City Schools. If you have further questions, reach out to Mike Radtke at mradtke@sbepschools.org. Thank you!