Please complete your son/daughter's FinalForms registration by Friday, September 28th.
FinalForms allows you to compete all back-to-school and athletic participation forms for your students online. The most exciting news is that FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning you will never need to enter the same information twice!
We are asking that ALL parents/guardians use FinalForms.
Please register at: and follow the prompts to create your account, create your student account, and sign your forms.
Note: If your child is NEW to the district (kindergarteners and transfers and have received confirmation from the board office), please be sure to click the "New to District" checkbox when registering.
This process will be accessible for you via your mobile phone or home computer and sign-ins will take only a few minutes.
Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork process at St. Bernard-Elmwood Place City Schools!
Additional FinalForms information/instructions can be found on the district homepage.
Click "School Forms and Information" under the "Parents" tab.