Community Letter
Parents and Guardians:
The St. Bernard-Elmwood Place School District is dedicated to maintaining a safe and positive environment to help all students succeed. We are grateful for our wonderful students, staff, and parents who strive to uphold our values and improve our community on a daily basis.
By now, you likely have heard about the incident yesterday which resulted in two students being injured and transported to the hospital for non life threatening injuries. The district is currently investigating the situation and working with local law enforcement to fully understand what happened and why.
St. Bernard-Elmwood Place Schools remain committed to doing what is best for our students to provide them a safe and secure school environment. Please contact me if you have any questions, and please encourage our students to come speak with me or our school counselor if they have any concerns or questions.
Bret Bohannon, Principal
SBEP Jr./Sr. High School
(513) 482-7129
Click the link below to view the attached letter from Mr. Bohannon: